A participant must be informed about the purpose, methods and intended possible uses of the research, what their participation will involve and what risks, if any, they might encounter.  This detail enables them to make an informed decision about whether or not they want to take part in your research.  Provide your participants with a suitable Participant Information Sheet and Agreement Form, allowing sufficient time for a participant to reflect/ask questions before they agree to take part.  Participation should be voluntary and free from coercion.

Make sure you read the associated ‘….’ guidance

There are a number of templates available (see sections below) – please download the templates that are appropriate to you and the research project you will be undertaking.

Remember ....

Depending on your research, you may need to consider using a number of different forms or adapted version of the forms as follows:

  • Participant Information Sheet – Adults
  • Participant Information Sheet – Children/Young People
  • Parent/Guardian Information Sheet
  • Agreement form for Adults
  • Agreement form for parent/guardians
  • Assent form (for children/young people who are agreeing to take part (under 16)).

When involving children with a wide age range, it might be appropriate to provide separate PI Sheets for the different age groups.  Always tailor your PI Sheet to the participant.

Research activities such as data collection should not commence until your ethics checklist (including participant information/agreement forms if relevant) has been reviewed and your checklist approved online.